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Dentistry or stomatology is one of the health sciences that deal with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, including the teeth, the periodontium, the temporomandibular joint and the neuromuscular system; namely all the structures of the oral cavity and the tongue, palate, oral mucosa, salivary glands and other anatomical structures involved such as the lips, tonsils and the gold pharynx.

We collaborate with renowned professionals who have verifiable experience in their professional and judiciary field and who have been selected and previously validated by our company to ensure the provision of their professional services.

Possible purposes of our reports:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Dental examinations
  • Review of implants and applied techniques
  • Second opinions
  • Conducting medical reports for courts
  • Work disability
  • Traffic accidents
  • Occupational accidents

We recommend that you fill out the contact form, an expert consultant will call you personally to provide the information you need and answer your questions without any compromise:

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