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Psychiatry Expert or Forensic Psychiatrist. Their objective is to evaluate the mental state of the person involved in the judicial process by means of an exhaustive and accurate expert psychiatric report in which he issues his professional judgement. In the majority of cases, attendance at trial by our professionals is required.

Just like psychology experts, psychiatry experts prepare judicial and party expert reports, extra judicial expert opinions, extra judicial pre-reports and confirm their reports in court if necessary.

What is intended with the intervention of a professional psychiatry expert is to contribute to the judicial process, a more objective assessment through psychological techniques and tools to assist in the filing of or response to a lawsuit

Scope of activity:

  • Preparation of psychiatric expert reports.
  • Evaluation of personality and mental state.
  • Expertise in the penitentiary field.
  • Study of cognitive and volitional capacities
  • Legal liability.
  • Application of psychological and forensic evidence.
  • Care and Custody. Visits arrangements
  • Credibility of testimony on sexual abuse
  • Evaluation of psychological consequences
  • Occupational disability. Witness memory
  • Psychological analysis of judicial measures
  • Trial attendance and ratification in court
  • Child Abuse. Bullying in schools
  • Simulation detection

We recommend that you fill out the contact form, an expert consultant will call you personally to provide the information you need and answer your questions without any compromise:

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